90s director next titled Teacher.Following his impressive debut with the web series "90s – A Middle-Class Biopic," Aditya Haasan returns with another heartwarming story titled "Teacher." "90s" resonated deeply with viewers, transporting them back in time with its authentic portrayal of middle-class life and relatable characters. Now, the team behind "90s" aims to capture hearts once again with a tale set against the backdrop of a charming Telangana village.
"Teacher" promises a delightful and humorous journey, centering around three mischievous students in the village of Ankapur. The series explores their playful antics, the innocent love stories that blossom, and the unique bond they share with their Teacher, filled with both laughter and emotional moments.
A recently released poster offers a glimpse into the picturesque setting, showcasing a serene river, lush green fields dotted with coconut trees, and students joyfully riding bicycles to school, perfectly capturing the essence of village life.
The series boasts a talented cast, including Swathi Reddy, Nikhil Devadula (known for his role in Baahubali), Nitya Sri (from the critically acclaimed film C/o Kancherapalem), Rajendar Goud, and Siddarth, each playing significant roles in bringing this heartwarming story to life.
With its nostalgic charm, relatable characters, and the promise of laughter and emotions, "Teacher" is poised to be another success for Aditya Haasan and his team, leaving audiences eager to embark on this new journey.