Mammootty Turbo release date finalised. Malayalam superstar Mammootty's upcoming film, 'Turbo,' is set to hit worldwide screens on June 13, as announced by the film's makers on the occasion of Vishu (Malayali New Year) on April 14. Mammootty, who has been enjoying a remarkable run with consecutive hits, is all set to deliver another compelling performance in 'Turbo,' described as a high-octane action drama directed by Vysakh.
On April 15, Mammootty took to social media to share a new poster of 'Turbo,' revealing the film's release date. The film has been generating considerable buzz ever since its announcement.
In his post, Mammootty wrote, "Turbo Jose Arriving on June 13, 2024."
The poster suggests that Mammootty will be portraying the character of Turbo Jose in the film. 'Turbo' marks the third collaboration between Mammootty and Vysakh, following their successful ventures 'Pokkiri Raja' and its sequel, 'Madhura Raja.'
Apart from Mammootty, 'Turbo' features Kannada actor Raj B Shetty, Telugu actor Sunil, and 'Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum' actor Anjana Jayaprakash in pivotal roles. The film is produced under Mammootty's home banner, with Vishnu Sarma as the cinematographer, Shameer Muhammed as the editor, and Christo Xavier as the music composer, rounding off the talented technical crew.