Director Lokesh Kanagaraj has started his own production house, G Squad making films with other directors. He has already made 'Fight Club' last year and is heading up for his second venture. Raghava Lawrence is playing as lead role in this interesting film. Bakkiyaraj Kannan who is popular for directing the films 'Remo' and 'Sulthan', is directing this film which is titled as 'Benz'.
The film has been launched officially today, April 14th on the occasion of Tamil New Year. The first look announcement poster unveiled by the makers shows a skull helmet and the blood strains and bullets hint at a secret message about the film's story. Lokesh Kanagaraj is presenting the film under his banner G Squad.
Written and directed by Bakkiyaraj Kannan, 'Benz' poster with the quote "A warrior with a cause is the most dangerous soldier" describes Raghava Lawrence's character in the film. 'Benz' is touted to be an action drama, whereas Lawrence will be seen in a furious role.
Raghava Lawrence after disastrous 'Chandramukhi 2', has earned accolades for 'Jigarthanda Double X' in Karthik Subbaraj's direction. Raghava Lawrence is keen on making a strong comeback, and he is strengthening his lineup by teaming up with an interesting set of directors.