Young hero Virat Raj, a relative of late actor Krishnam Raju, cousin to Prabhas is making his debut as a hero with a film that marks the directorial debut of popular choreographer Ganesh Master. Billed to be an out-and-out entertainer, the movie will be produced by SR Kalyanamandapam Raju, Kalvakota Venkata Ramana, and Catari Sai Krishna Karthik under the banner of Shrreepada Films, while Malleswari presents it.
The movie has been launched grandly today with a pooja muhurtham ceremony. Star director Sukumar who graced the occasion unveiled the title. The movie is titled Goud Saab. Sukumar stated that he heard the storyline from Ganesh Master and he loved it completely. He predicted this one to be a sure-shot blockbuster. He then lent best wishes to Ganesh Master, Virat Raj, and the entire team.
Goud Saab is touted to be an out-and-out action entertainer. Indicating the movie will have an enchanting love story, the title poster apart from a Royal Enfield bike sees pallu of a girl, though her face is not seen. The poster indicates that it is a love story with an action backdrop.
RM Swamy will take care of the cinematography for the movie. Lyricist Vengi is debuting as a music director. Chota K Prasad is the editor, while Baby Suresh Bhimagani is the art director. Bhanu Master is the creative head, whereas A Mahadeva is the script co-ordinator.