Family Star,Manjummel Boys and others releasing today. April is set to kickstart with a whirlwind of cinematic delights as several highly anticipated films hit the silver screen on the first Friday. Among them, the spotlight shines on "Rowdy Star" Vijay Devarakonda and the talented Mrunal Thakur in "Family Star," directed by the skilled Parasuram. Expectations are soaring high, especially considering their previous collaboration, the blockbuster hit "Geetha Govindam."
Adding to the cinematic extravaganza are "Bharathanatyam" and "Bahumukham," both slated for release on the same day. "Bharathanatyam" features the promising Surya Tej Aelay under the directorial guidance of KVR Mahendra, while "Bahumukham" boasts the talents of Harshiv Karthik, both promising a captivating experience for moviegoers.
The excitement doesn't end there, as April 6th brings the release of the Malayalam hit "Manjummel Boys" and "Project Z," ensuring that cinephiles have a diverse array of choices to indulge in.
Stay tuned for the insightful reviews of these cinematic offerings from the dedicated Cinejosh team, coming your way in just a couple of hours. Get ready to immerse yourself in the magic of cinema!