This Action Drama movie is directed by Virinchi Varma, who gained fame as a director with films like Uyyala Jampala and Majnu ; with Rakesh Varre as the Lead Actor. Rakesh Varre is acclaimed for his performances in films such as Baahubali and Evarikee Cheppoddu and also is the producer for Peka Medalu. The film is being developed as an Action drama based on real events from the 1980s. Previously, the first look posters of this movie have heightened the expectations for the film. The release date for this movie is announced as May 3rd.
Director Virinchi Varma said on this occasion, "Ever since the title Jithender Reddy was decided, the audience's interest in the movie has been increasing. The first look of Rakesh Varre has also generated good hype. Rakesh Varre will gain recognition as an action hero with this film. We filmed this movie based on real events from 1980's in Jagtial in erstwhile Karimnagar District of Telangana.After screening it for some prominent individuals, gathering their suggestions and facts, we are bringing this movie to you. Soon, we will come to you with interesting teasers, trailer, and promotions."
Producer Muduganti Ravinder Reddy said, "The title Jithender Reddy is in itself very powerful. Many are praising the making of such a realistic and action-packed movie. We made this movie based on a real incidents that occurred between 1980-90. Despite Rakesh Varre's busy schedule with his production house, he has worked very hard for this film with enthusiasm. Virinchi Varma's storytelling is excellent, without offending anyone. We made this movie with the intention of highlighting Jitender Reddy's service to society. We are presenting the real incidents in its true form. Subbaraju's character is also very good. We will bring you updates on this movie very soon."