Chiranjeevi-Vijay Devarakonda interaction goes viral. At a recent event, a heartwarming interaction unfolded between Tollywood's rising star, Vijay Deverakonda, and the legendary Megastar Chiranjeevi.
Visibly moved by a video showcasing Chiranjeevi's illustrious journey, Vijay confessed to feeling emotional and overwhelmed. He expressed his own humble beginnings, stating that he never envisioned reaching his current position. This prompted him to ask Chiranjeevi a poignant question: Did the Megastar ever imagine achieving such phenomenal success and accolades like the Padma Vibhushan?
Chiranjeevi's response was both insightful and inspiring. He emphasized that such aspirations don't materialize overnight. He shared how he constantly visualized success, fueled by early recognition through Best Actor awards in school and college dramas. The appreciation and attention he received ignited a burning desire within him. He diligently pursued his dream, drawing strength from his unwavering belief in himself and his faith in Lord Hanuman.
Vijay further highlighted Chiranjeevi's middle-class background, inquiring about the family's guiding light. Chiranjeevi fondly recalled his father as his personal hero and the family's guiding star. Despite limited means, his father generously supported his mother's sisters, instilling strong family values. Chiranjeevi, along with his sister Surekha, continued this tradition, ensuring that all important occasions were celebrated together, regardless of individual achievements. He believes such gatherings foster understanding and dissolve any potential misunderstandings within the family.
This conversation between two generations of actors served as a powerful testament to the importance of unwavering belief, relentless pursuit of dreams, and the grounding influence of family values.