Namrata enjoying in snow with Gautham and Sitara. Namrata, the elegant wife of the renowned actor Mahesh Babu, recently treated fans to a glimpse of their picturesque family life, showcasing their joyous moments in the snow. In a series of charming photos, Namrata radiated warmth in a pink hoodie, stylish goggles, and a snug scarf, while her son Gautham looked dashing in a blue jacket, reminiscent of his father's style. Their daughter Sithara completed the picture-perfect scene in a cozy jacket and scarf, exuding youthful charm.
Captioning the photos with "sun-kissed paradise making memories," Namrata added a touch of poetic beauty to the already enchanting images, encapsulating the essence of their cherished moments together.
Mahesh Babu, celebrated for his recent portrayal in the film "Guntur Kaaram," which hit screens on January 12, continues to captivate audiences with his stellar performances on-screen. Directed by the acclaimed filmmaker Trivikram Srinivas, the movie boasted a talented ensemble cast, including Sreeleela, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Ramya Krishna, Jayaram, Prakash Raj, Jagapathi Babu, and Rao Ramesh. Produced by S Radha Krishna under the banner of Haarika and Hassine Creations, the film was not only a visual treat but also resonated deeply with viewers, earning praise for its compelling narrative and Thaman S's mesmerizing musical score.
Now Mahesh is concentrating on his upcoming project with Rajamouli. The project is referred to SSMB29 and expectations are soaring on the project as it happens to be Rajamouli's first after RRR and the duo are teaming for the first time in their career.