Bobby on Ustaad Bhagat Singh blaze."Ustaad Bhagat Singh," an action-packed extravaganza directed by Harish Shankar, features the charismatic Power Star Pawan Kalyan (PSPK) in the lead role.
The film also stars the young and talented Sri Leela as the female lead, while the music maestro Devi Sri Prasad is composing the music, promising a treat for the ears. Recently, the makers unveiled a powerful video titled "Bhagat Blaze" from the film, which has been receiving an overwhelming response from the audience and fans alike.
Director Bobby, known for his recent blockbuster "Waltair Veeraya," also took to social media to express his excitement after watching the video.
He praised the electrifying impact of "Bhagat's Blaze" and lauded the dynamic combo of Pawan Kalyan and Devi Sri Prasad, acknowledging their consistent ability to create magic on screen. He posted "Bhagat's Blaze is electrifying Power star
@PawanKalyan garu, you and @ThisIsDSP sir jiii 's combo is always a Blast @harish2you bro"
Currently, Bobby is engrossed in his upcoming project, "NBK109," adding another feather to his cap.