Venkatesh keen to turn Shaitaan. Recently released in Bollywood, "Shaitaan" is making a mark at the box office. Starring Ajay Devgn and Jyothika, with Madhavan playing the antagonist, this horror thriller has garnered mixed reviews but is performing well at the box office. The film's success is evident in cities like Mumbai, where theaters are considering adding midnight shows on weekends due to the high demand.
There are rumors that Venkatesh is contemplating remaking this gripping drama, which itself was a remake of the Gujarati blockbuster "Vash." Venkatesh, who recently watched the film, is reportedly intrigued by the concept. However, remaking such a film involves significant risks, especially concerning Venkatesh's image and appeal to family audiences.
Madhavan's performance in "Shaitaan" is being praised as a one-man show, portraying his character with full negative shades. In the climax, he delivers a terrifying appearance. On the other hand, Ajay Devgn's role primarily revolves around a few emotions, particularly fear. However, Venkatesh's potential involvement in the remake raises questions about the suitability of such a negative role for his image, especially considering the family audience's preferences.
While the proposal for the remake is still in its early stages, Venkatesh has not committed to any projects other than "Rana Naidu" Season 2. Previously, Venkatesh declined a proposal to remake Mohanlal's "Neru," a decision that was well-received by audiences. Considering this, fans hope that Venkatesh will carefully consider his choices, ensuring that his future projects align with his established image and audience expectations.