Pooja Hegde leaked snaps from Guntur Kaaram shocks all. Mahesh Babu's "Guntur Kaaram," which graced the silver screen during Sankranti 2024, garnered mixed reviews but managed to pull in decent numbers at the box office. Directed by Trivikram, this action-packed drama starred Sreeleela as the female lead.
It's widely known that initially, Pooja Hegde was slated to play the lead role in this venture, with Sreeleela cast in a supporting capacity.
The production even filmed several sequences featuring Pooja Hegde. However, due to various factors, Sreeleela stepped into the lead role, while Meenakshi Chaudhary was brought on board as the secondary heroine.
Recently, leaked images of Pooja Hegde from the sets of "Guntur Kaaram" surfaced online, catching fans off guard. These images have since gone viral, sparking discussion among netizens about what the film might have been like with Pooja Hegde in the lead role. The unexpected leak has left many pondering the potential impact her presence could have had on the movie.