Latest Malayalam Romantic Comedy 'Premalu' is creating sensation at the boxoffice. Headlined by Naslen and Mamitha Baiju, 'Premalu' is enjoying a successful run in not only in its own Malayalam language but has also become a sensation among Tamil and Telugu viewers. The film grossed Rs 14 crores in Kerala alone within 7 days. Moreover, its global earnings surpassed Rs 26 crores in its first week, marking a significant achievement for Malayalam cinema.
Premalu which was made with a budget of Rs 13 Crores, has crossed magical Rs 50 Crore Mark in 12 days. The film joins the elite list of 50+ crore grossing films in Malayalam Cinema. Premalu's box office performance was remarkable from the start. On the very first day, it raked in Rs 90 lakhs, and by the second day, it collected more than the double of its first day. Since then, 'Premalu' has been consistently performing well, garnering positive responses even from international markets like Australia.
The film mostly shot in Hyderabad is said to be effectively used the city's flavour in sync to its story. Premalu is finding patronage in Hyderabad, Chennai and Bengaluru too apart from Kerala. Many are comparing the film's success with 'Bangalore Days' which was a runaway hit across all south states. Premalu is playing in Malayalam language all-over with English subtitles.
The movie, produced by Bhavana Studios with support from Fahadh Faasil, Dileesh Pothen, and Syam Pushkaran, tells the story of a recent college graduate navigating professional life while navigating the ups and downs of love. 'Premalu' impresses audiences with its witty and charming dialogues which happens to be its biggest strength.