Deekshith Shetty renowned for his role in the blockbuster film 'Dasara,' and debutant Shashi Odela are set to share the screen in an exciting venture produced under the banner of SLV Cinemas. This project marks the prestigious banner's eighth production. Helmed by filmmaker K.K., the movie is backed by Sudhakar Cherukuri and promises to be a periodical crime drama set in the 90s with a unique storyline.The makers recently announced the project with a concept glimpse.
Makers completed the formal pooja ceremony. Blockbuster director of Dasara fame Srikanth Odela sounded the clapboard for the opening scene. The film's exciting title announced today with a striking glimpse. The glimpse introduces the key characters played by Deekshith Shetty as King, Shashi Odela as Jackie and gorgeous Yukti Thareja as Queen.
The title glimpse captivates immediately with its distinctive introduction of characters. Deekshith Shetty appears striking, while Shashi commands attention with his rugged look. Yukti Thareja enchants with her bewitching beauty. The title is unveiled amidst two guns with a rose at the center, suggesting an enthralling narrative that the creators are set to unveil.
The musical score for the film is entrusted to Poornachandra Tejaswi, while Nagesh Banell takes on the role of cinematographer, and Kartika Srinivas.R serves as the editor. Srikanth Ramishetti is taking care of production design. The film's production unit has revealed plans to disclose further details in the near future, and the commencement of shooting is expected soon.
Deekshith Shetty, Shashi Odela and others
Technical category:
Banner - SLV Cinemas
Producer - Sudhakar Cherukuri
Direction - KK
Cinematography - Nagesh Banell
Music - Poornachandra Tejaswi
Editor - Karthika Srinivas
Production Designer - Srikanth Ramishetti
Executive Producer - Shekar Yalamanchali
Marketing - Walls and Trends, Balu Prakash (Studio Block)
P.R.O - Vamsi Kaka