Samantha surprises with her Podcast. Samantha Ruth Prabhu recently delighted fans by offering a glimpse into her newly launched health podcast. In a post shared on Wednesday, the actress unveiled a snippet from the inaugural session, where she introduces the goals and values of Take20, her latest podcast endeavor. The teaser video, featured on her timeline, showcases Samantha engaged in a conversation with wellness coach and nutritionist, Alkesh Sharotri. Samantha's video opens with the statement, "Take 20 is our effort to bring you high-quality wellness content that you can relate to and apply to your everyday life." The actress captioned the post, "Let's take 20… to talk about health. First video out on February 19 #TAKE20 With Sam & Alkesh."
Just a few days prior, Samantha had announced her return to work after a seven-month break, this time with a health podcast. In a video shared on her Instagram Story on Saturday, the 36-year-old actor expressed her excitement about resuming work. She mentioned, "I am going back to work, finally. But apart from that, in the meantime, I was completely jobless. But, I am doing something fun with a friend. It's a health podcast."
Expressing her unexpected but genuine enthusiasm for the project, Samantha stated, "It is quite unexpected, but it is something that I really love, and something I am extremely passionate about," in the video.
Samantha Ruth Prabhu, who was last seen in the film "Kushi" alongside Vijay Deverakonda, also revealed in her latest video that her health podcast would be released on February 19.