Shahrukh Khan has created history with delivering three consecutive box office successes in the same year. Among them two - Pathaan and Jawan are Rs 1000 Crore grossers where as Dunki made close to Rs 500 Crores at global box-office. The film which is directed by Rajkumar Hirani deals with an illegal migration to foreign countries which is known as 'Donkey Flight'.
'Dunki' which was released for Christmas last year has made its OTT Debut. Dunki started to streaming on Netflix. The streaming platform dropped the poster of the film and announced this big news on the eve of Valentine’s Day. they writes, “Pack your bags! After a Dunki around the world, @iamsrk is coming home. Dunki, now streaming on Netflix!”
Dunki tells the tale of a group of friends who try to fly abroad for better opportunities. But since they fail to get their visas, they hustle to cross borders illegally. Apart from Shah Rukh, it also stars Taapsee Pannu, and Vicky Kaushal, in pivotal roles.
Gauri Khan and Rajkumar Hirani produced this comedy drama under the banners of Red Chillies Entertainment, Jio Studios, and Rajkumar Hirani Films. Boman Irani, Vikram Kochhar, and Anil Grover played other important roles.