
Pooja Hegde Celebrates Pizza Day

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Pretty Beauty celebrates Pizza Day

Pooja Hegde Celebrates Pizza Day
Pooja Hegde Celebrates Pizza Day

Pooja Hegde celebrates Pizza Day. Pooja Hegde, renowned as the queen of hearts and, evidently, the queen of appetites, elevated #WorldPizzaDay to unprecedented heights yesterday. The actress graced her social media followers with a photo that not only left them drooling but also left pizza aficionados in sheer awe.

In the snapshot, Hegde is captured mid-bite, fearlessly tackling an extra-large pizza that could easily satiate a small army. Her expression radiates pure joy and unwavering determination, as if she's embarked on a mission to conquer the irresistible cheesy goodness.


Accompanying the image is a simple yet fitting caption: "Dough my goodness! Happy #WorldPizzaDay." Instantly, fans flooded the post with enthusiastic comments such as "Ultimate pizza goals!", "Can I have a bite?", and "You're my spirit animal, Pooja!"

Hegde's unabashed love for pizza is no secret. She has frequently shared her cravings for this Italian classic and even documented her own pizza-making endeavors in the past. However, her latest feat takes the cake, or rather, the pizza. Her ability to devour such a massive pie has left everyone in awe, prompting the question: where does she put it all? One thing remains certain: Pooja Hegde knows how to celebrate #WorldPizzaDay in style. And with eager anticipation, we await the delicious adventures she embarks on next!

Tags:   POOJA 5