Superstar Mahesh Babu-starrer Guntur Kaaram was released on January 12, 2024 for Sankranthi festival. This Trivikram Srinivas directorial had huge expectations riding on it before it's release as this is the third film in Mahesh and Trivikram's combination after Superhits Athadu and critically acclaimed Khaleja. But, the film failed to grab good reviews on it's release day.
When everyone thought about the film going to end up as a failure for both Mahesh and Trivikram. The film held its ground and delivered good numbers, thanks to Mahesh's pull among the family audience and Sankranthi festive season. As family audience opted for Guntur Kaaram, the film has managed to rake in good numbers and closed its theatrical collections at Rs 200+ Crores.
Guntur Kaaram OTT Streaming Date
Netflix has acquired the streaming rights to this film at a huge price. Now it is officially announced that, Guntur Kaaram will start streaming on Netflix on February 9 in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and Hindi languages. The film is coming up for streaming within a month of its theatrical release. This move once again brings the topic of maintaining 7 weeks window between Theatrical and OTT releases into picture.
Sreeleela, Ramya Krishnan, Jayaram, Prakash Raj, Murali Sharma, Vennela Kishore and Jagapathi Babu have played key roles in Guntur Kaaram. Radhakrishna has bankrolled the film under Haarika Haassine banner while Thaman has composed the songs.