Revanth Reddy replaces Nandis with Gaddar Awards. In a significant move, the State government has recently declared a transformative change in the nomenclature of the prestigious Nandi Awards, an accolade bestowed upon poets, artists, and film personalities annually. The distinguished awards will now bear the name "Gaddar Awards," a tribute to the iconic 'Praja YuddhaNouka' Gaddar. Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy made this groundbreaking announcement at a ceremony held in Ravindra Bharati, commemorating Gaddar's birth anniversary.
Henceforth, the Gaddar Awards will be presented on the birth anniversary of the legendary figure, marking a fitting tribute to his invaluable contributions. In addition to this honor, the Chief Minister disclosed plans to install a statue of Gaddar on the renowned Tank Bund, a decision slated for ratification in the upcoming Cabinet meeting.
During the event, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy reflected on Gaddar's significant role in the Telangana movement, emphasizing the revolutionary impact of his songs and cultural programs. Reddy pointedly noted the lack of recognition by the previous government, which failed to confer Nandi Awards to deserving film personalities and distinguished artists during its decade-long tenure.
Addressing the long-standing demand from the film industry to reinstate the Nandi Awards, the Chief Minister highlighted the apathy of the previous BRS government towards this vital cultural aspect. He underlined the importance of revitalizing the awards and commemorating excellence in the field.
Taking the opportunity to rebut comments from BRS leaders about KCR's assumed return to the Chief Minister's office, Revanth Reddy vehemently asserted that such assertions were an affront to the voters and the democratic process. He emphasized that the people had elected the Congress government to govern the state for a stipulated period, and the opposition's role should be constructive, offering suggestions and advice.
In a gesture of openness and inclusivity, Reddy affirmed the government's commitment to accepting memoranda from any individual or party leader. He acknowledged and commended MLC K Kavitha (BRS) for her recent memorandum advocating the installation of a statue of Jyotiba Phule in the Assembly, demonstrating a willingness to embrace diverse perspectives and cultural contributions. As the state looks forward to the inauguration of the Gaddar Awards, the renaming serves as a symbolic tribute to a cultural luminary and a testament to the government's commitment to acknowledging and honoring artistic excellence in the region.