Kriti to captivate as Robot. Kriti Sanon, who marked her debut in Telugu with the film "1 Nenokkadine," has since ventured into Hindi cinema, where she is currently making significant strides. The actress, celebrated for her unconventional performances, clinched a National Award for her impactful role in 'Mimi.' Now, she is gearing up to explore new horizons in the upcoming film 'Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya,' where she takes on the intricate role of a robot named 'Sifra.'
From the glimpses offered in the trailer and songs, it is evident that Kriti Sanon seamlessly encapsulates the complexities of her character. Portraying a robot presents its own set of challenges, particularly in conveying emotions through a mechanical exterior. However, Kriti's portrayal suggests a nuanced and compelling performance.
Stepping into the film's promotional phase alongside co-star Shahid Kapoor, Kriti Sanon has been turning heads with her stunning ensembles crafted by top luxury fashion brands. In a recent series of pictures, she exudes absolute charm, adding her magical glam touch to the ensemble she sported.
Confident in the success of the film, Kriti Sanon is poised for another milestone in her career. With her remarkable talent and dedication, she aims to make a substantial impact once again, reaffirming her position as a versatile and accomplished actress in the industry.