Kalki 2898 AD to have stunning specials."Kalki 2898 AD," directed by Naga Ashwin and featuring Prabhas as the lead, is set to hit screens on May 9, offering a much-anticipated visual spectacle. Despite ongoing speculations about the postponement of pan-India releases, Vyjayanthi's team asserts that there are no such plans for this film, affirming their commitment to the scheduled release date. Fans can eagerly anticipate a grand cinematic experience from Darling in just three and a half months.
Delving into intriguing details, unofficial leaks suggest that Dulquer Salmaan and Vijay Deverakonda will make special cameo appearances. While not officially confirmed, this information stems from a credible source. The latest twist involves the guest star list, revealing that natural star Nani will portray Krupacharya in a pivotal moment before the climax.
Additionally, rumors circulate that Jr. NTR has been approached for the character of Parashurama, promising a brief but impactful presence on the screen. Confirmation on these details awaits, urging fans to exercise patience.
Naga Ashwin is poised to exceed expectations with "Kalki 2898," a project crafted in two parts, spanning six hundred years from the past to the future. The film's soundtrack, composed by Santhosh Narayanan, boasts a star-studded cast, including Bollywood luminaries such as Deepika Padukone, Amitabh Bachchan, Disha Patani, Anupam Kher, alongside prominent figures from the Telugu and Tamil film industries. The anticipation for this cinematic marvel is certainly reaching new heights.