Amitabh says South better than Bollywood is wrong. Amitabh Bachchan, in his address at the Symbiosis Film Festival in Pune, challenged the common perception that the film industry is solely responsible for shaping the morality of the nation. The 81-year-old legendary actor, accompanied by his wife Jaya Bachchan, shared insights on the criticisms faced by the film industry and delved into the pros and cons of technological advancements in cinema.
Participating in the festival's inauguration ceremony organized by Symbiosis International, Bachchan addressed the prevalent criticism faced by the film industry. He emphasized that the industry often bears the brunt of accusations suggesting its influence on the nation's morality. Contrary to this, Bachchan argued that cinema draws inspiration from society itself. He highlighted that stories and films are born from observations of nature, the world, and everyday life, forming the basis of artistic creation.
Acknowledging the authenticity of Malayalam and Tamil films, Bachchan commended these regional cinemas for their genuine portrayal of stories. However, he cautioned against the notion that South Indian cinema surpasses the Hindi film industry. According to Bachchan, regional cinemas excel in their own right, but it is inaccurate to draw comparisons, as the essence of storytelling remains universal. He pointed out that while regional films may seem distinct, they often share thematic elements with Hindi films, stating, "A lot of the people I've met said, 'We are remaking your old films, there’s Deewar, Shakti, and Sholay somewhere in all our stories.'"
In conclusion, Bachchan discouraged the practice of comparing film industries based on regional distinctions, emphasizing the universality of storytelling themes. His remarks shed light on the intrinsic connection between cinema and society, challenging the common narrative that places the burden of moral responsibility solely on the film industry.