Miss Perfect trailer released. Lavanya Tripathi, the accomplished actress and wife of Mega Prince Varun Tej, is all set to grace the screen in the highly anticipated Telugu web series, "Miss Perfect," under the direction of Vishvak Khanderao, renowned for his exceptional work on "Skylab."
The makers recently unveiled the trailer, and it's a delightful sneak peek into a fresh narrative that unfolds within a housing complex during the pandemic, brimming with hilarious moments.
In this upcoming web series, Lavanya portrays a young woman with an unyielding pursuit of perfection in every aspect of her life. The trailer introduces her neighbor, Abhijeet, who shares a similar desire for perfection. The intriguing twist occurs when Lavanya's character ends up working as a housemaid named Lakshmi in Abhijeet's house. From the trailer, it's evident that "Miss Perfect" promises a story filled with humor and entertainment.
The trailer further introduces key characters, including Abhigna Vuthaluru, Jhansi, and Harshavardhan, all set to redefine the entertainment experience. Boasting top-notch production quality, the web series is set to release in seven languages – Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi, Bengali, and Marathi on February 2nd. The multi-lingual release adds an exciting dimension to the much-anticipated debut of "Miss Perfect," creating a buzz among audiences across different regions.