Hanuman crosses 100crs in India."Hanuman," directed by Prasanth Varma, has achieved a significant milestone by entering the ₹100 crore club in India within just over a week since its theatrical release on January 12. The film features a stellar cast, including Teja Sajja, Amritha Aiyer, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, and Vinay Rai in lead roles.
As of week one, "Hanuman" amassed ₹99.85 crore in box office collections [Telugu: ₹73.89 crore; Hindi: ₹24.5 crore; Tamil: ₹78 lakh; Kannada: ₹52 lakh; Malayalam: ₹16 lakh]. Early estimates for day 9 indicate that the film has added ₹14.25 crore nett to its impressive collection, bringing the total to ₹114.10 crore.
The superhero film has not only crossed the ₹100 crore mark in India but has also achieved this milestone on the global stage. Primeshow Entertainment, the production house, proudly shared the update on its official social media page, acknowledging the film's massive success with limited screens and minimal ticket prices. Their post read, "Small film - big justice from the audience. The Humongous Roar of #Hanuman Resounded at the Box-Office. 100 crores worldwide in just 4 days with limited screens & minimal ticket prices. #HanumanCreatesHistory A @PrasanthVarma Film Starring @tejasajja123."
Written by Prashanth Varma, the Telugu-language superhero film unfolds in the fictional village of Anjanadri, marking the inception of the Prasanth Varma Cinematic Universe (PVCU).
Teja Sajja, the lead actor, shared his excitement about the film, stating, "The very idea of doing a superhero film is very exciting for me, has been exciting throughout the process. In this film, a young boy gets superpowers by the grace of Lord Hanuman and then how he fights for his people and his religion." He added, "This film has superhero action sequences for the entertainment of children and a lot of comedy. At the same time, its our history, is also connected with the superhero element. We've tried to blend in our Indian 'itihaas' with the superhero concept so it's a very entertaining film."