Gadar headlined by Sunny Deol was a smash hit in 2000. Co-starring Ameesha Patel, directed by Anil Sharma, Gadar - Ek Prem Katha was released along with Aamir Khan's Iconic Lagaan and emerged as huge Blockbuster back then with record number of footfalls in Bollywood history. After 23 years, the second installment, Gadar 2 was released earlier this year and once again revived it's blockbuster status.
Sunny Deol who was forgotten by this generation audience got resurrected with Gadar 2 which earned more than Rs 600 Crores globally. The film which is centered with Indo Pak conflict manages to evoke patriotism and nostalgia factor of its predecessor on its way to become huge Blockbuster. The film ends with a note that it will be back with third installment, Gadar 3.
Gadar 3 is now officially greenlit by production house Zee Studios. Reports claim the first round of paperwork has already been executed. Director Anil Sharma too confirmed the same saying that Tara Singh will be back, and have locked in the basic idea of Gadar 3. He said he will start working on the Gadar 3 script very soon once he is done with his ongoing project which involves his son Utkarsh and Nana Patekar.
Ever since the release of Gadar 2, Anil Sharma and his team of writers have been brainstorming ideas for the third part of Gadar, and they have finally locked down the basic idea for the third installment. As per grapevine, if everything goes as planned, Gadar 3 could go on floors by the end of 2025. Meanwhile, Sunny Deol is currently gearing up for the shoot for Lahore: 1947 in February.