Superstar Mahesh, Trivikram's latest outing Guntur Kaaram had a record opening for Mahesh Babu at several territories. The family action film which was opened in theatres throughout the world on 12th January garnered mixed reviews. Though it began with subpar WOM, it got off to a strong start.
In Nizam, where Mahesh enjoys a strong hold has registered Rs 16 Crores Share (Including GST) and Rs 11.22 Crs (Excluding GST). The film is currently at Top 3 openers in Nizam area where the other two top films are RRR with Rs 23 Crs and Salaar Rs 22 Crs.
In Andhra too the film had a strong start, whereas Ceeded had a sluggish start due to negative word-of-mouth. According to early estimates, the overall andhra pradesh contribution is projected to be in the range of 22 crore+ [including hires and GST in Andhra], with a 38 crore+ share predicted from the Telugu states on its first day.
Guntur Kaaram's overseas opening day is estimated to be in the region of around 2 million. This Trivikram directorial has Srileela and Meenakshi Chaudhary as female leads while Thaman has composed the music and Radha Krishna bankrolled the film.