Finally, the day has come. The much-awaited 'Guntur Kaaram' in Superstar Mahesh and Star Director Trivikram's combination has hit the screens globally today, 12th January. The film has already completed USA Premier shows and also some early morning shows in Telugu states. Talk from those who have watched the film has been already spreading. Let's check out what the audience is saying after watching the film.
The unanimous talk everyone is saying that 'Guntur Kaaram' is Mahesh's one-man show. He excelled in every aspect. Be it action, emotion, entertainment, and energy, Mahesh has done extremely well in the film. He carried the entire film on his shoulders. Many opined that Trivikram should have come up with a stronger and better story. The main conflict point is not up to the mark resulting in not-so-emotional scenes, as per early talk.
The first half is decent and the problem lies in the second half with slow narration and lag at times. Many are complaining about the lack of emotional depth which usually stands as the major highlight in Trivikram's films. And one more complaint the film is facing is it doesn't have Trivikram's signature style.
Sankranthi season, Mahesh Babu, mass moments, and his characterization are said to be the saving grace of the film. Let's see how the film actually turned out to be in a detailed review which will be up in sometime in Cine Josh. Watch this space...