Malayalam's esteemed icon, Mammootty, is poised to enchant the silver screen with the enthralling "Bramayugam." This horror thriller boasts a stellar cast, including Ashok Selvan, Siddharth Bharathan, and Amalda Liz, under the adept direction of Rahul Sadasivan and compelling dialogues by TD. Ramakrishnan.
The recently unveiled teaser of Bramayugam delivers spine-chilling scenes, hinting at a gripping horror-thriller filmed entirely in evocative black and white. Joining Mammootty are Arjun Ashokan, Siddharth Bharathan, Amalda Lees, Manikandan Achari, and others, elevating the anticipation.
Earlier reports suggest Mammootty's character as a sorcerer living among dragons, with TD Ramakrishnan crafting the impactful dialogue. Produced by Chakraborty Ramachandra and S Sashikant under Night Shift Studios LLP and Y Not Studios, the film commenced shooting on March 1 and wrapped up in a swift 31 days.
Night Shift Studios, a subsidiary of the renowned Y Note Studios, exclusively focuses on horror thriller releases, with "Bhrayamugam" marking their debut production.
Mammootty continues to astonish audiences with diverse and remarkable roles, and his inaugural film of the year promises a departure from the ordinary—an illusionary era masterfully directed by Rahul Sadashivan, known for the attention-grabbing film "Bhuthakalam." The teaser for this distinctive cinematic venture is now out, heightening the anticipation for what lies ahead.