Offlate Nayanthara is yet to deliver a solid hit from her films made with her as lead character. Her latest film, 'Annapoorni' also didn't recieved much acclaim. The film has already available for streaming in Netflix. But Nayanthara, is not slowing down anytime soon. The actress has a series of films in various stages of production, ranging from thrillers to comedies.
One of her upcoming films is ‘Test’, where she plays a forensic expert in a crime thriller based on a real-life incident. The film is directed by Sashikanth and is expected to release in the first half of 2024. Another film is ‘Mannangatti Since 1960’, a comedy-drama directed by Dude Vicky. Nayanthara plays a lead role in the film, and it is said to be a laugh riot with a touch of nostalgia.
According to the latest reports, Nayanthara has also reportedly signed a new film with director Arunraja Kamaraj, who made his debut with the sports drama ‘Kanaa’ in 2018. He then followed it up with the political thriller ‘Nenjuku Needhi’, starring Udhayanidhi Stalin. Arunraja recently ventured into the OTT space with the web series ‘Label’, featuring actor Jai.
The genre and the cast of Arunaraj's new film with Nayanthara are yet to be revealed, but sources say that it will be a unique and exciting project. The most anticipated film of Nayanthara, however, is ‘LIC’, which marks her collaboration with her husband and director Vignesh Shivan. The film is a romantic comedy, with the acronym LIC standing for Love Insurance Corporation. She is playing the role of elder sister to hero Pradeep Ranganathan.