Merry Christmas, directed by the acclaimed Sriram Raghavan, is poised to make its theatrical debut on January 12, 2024. Starring Katrina Kaif and Vijay Sethupathi, the film promises an enthralling cinematic experience for audiences around the globe and has been filmed in Hindi and Tamil languages, respectively.
The film's trailer was launched in December 2023 and a press conference was held on January 4, 2024, almost a week ahead of the film’s release. Speaking at the press conference on Thursday, Katrina Kaif was asked about the choices of films she has been making and what kind of opportunities she is looking at. She said, “There are good directors and there are good stories. My intention is to be part of good stories. And I have always believed that the director is the captain of the ship. That’s where it starts from. This was a combination of some really important factors to me. Working with Sriram Raghavan was always on my bucket list of things to do.”
Katrina admits that it was a challenge for her to perform in the Tamil language. “That for us was a big challenge. The kind of scenes, the nature of the scenes, and performing those scenes in Tamil is a challenge because obviously, that’s a completely different language for me. But both the films have come out beautifully. I am very proud to be a part of both films. Can’t wait to share it with the audience,” said Katrina Kaif. She believes both Hindi and Tamil language films have come out beautifully.
Produced by Ramesh Taurani, Sanjay Routray, Jaya Taurani & Kewal Garg, Merry Christmas is a collaboration between Tips Films and Matchbox Pictures.