Kajal Aggarwal, who recently made a re-entry into films, is now coming with female oriented film, “Satyabhama”. Talented director Suman Chikkala is directing the film. Shashi Kiran Tikka of recent pan India blockbuster "Major" fame has provided the Screenplay for this movie. "Satyabhama" is produced by Bobby Tikka and Srinivasa Rao Takkalapalli under the banner of Aurum Arts.
The film which is being made as a crime thriller is currently being shot at a fast pace. The makers completed a long 35 day schedule and with this 90% of shoot is finished. Kajal Aggarwal has done high octane action scenes in this schedule. These action sequences were shot under the action choreography of master Subbu.
Kajal Aggarwal for the first time is performing high octane action stunts for "Satyabhama". Kajal completed the toughest action sequence with great effort. The team believes that these fight scenes will be a special attraction in the film. Naveen Chandra is playing a key role in the film.
The remaining shoot of "Satyabhama" is going to be completed very soon and makers will announce the release date. Kajal Aggarwal is said to impress as the powerful police officer “Satyabhama”.