Nivetha Pethuraj's role in Kaala is revealed. After portraying lively lover girl characters in Telugu films such as ‘Das Ka Damki’ and ‘Red,’ the charming actress Nivetha Pethuraj takes on the role of an Intelligence Bureau officer in her latest Hindi web series, 'Kaala,' revealing a more fiery and intense side. A source comments, "Nivetha is a talented individual, but has faced challenges in securing substantial roles in Tollywood. However, in 'Kaala,' she not only performed admirably but also seamlessly embodied the role of an Intelligence Bureau officer, successfully executing a challenging mission alongside her colleagues."
Simultaneously, Nivetha Pethuraju is venturing into a lady-oriented untitled film directed by P Manjunath, known for the film ‘Ladies & Gentlemen.’ Described as a gripping thriller, the upcoming project showcases Nivetha in an author-backed role, bringing forth various shades of her acting prowess.
Possibly driven by a desire to step into a leading role, particularly after playing supporting roles to heroes like Sai Dharam Tej (Chitralahari), Ram (Red), and Viswak Sen (Das Ka Damki), Nivetha aims to shoulder the responsibility of carrying a film and charting a new trajectory in her career.
The much-anticipated film is being produced by People Media Factory, adding to the anticipation surrounding this project. The source notes that Nivetha has also taken on another female-oriented film, 'Bloody Mary,' directed by Chandoo Mondeti. In this film, she adeptly portrays a character with grey shades, strategically settling scores with her adversaries.
In the realm of Tollywood, Nivetha Pethuraj stands firm among Malayalam divas, while her counterparts such as Nivedha Thomas, Nitya Menon, and Malavika Nair seem to have slowed down in their career pace.