It is known that Lokesh Kanagaraj's film with Superstar Rajinikanth has been announced by the banner which gave 'Jailer' with Thalaivar, Sun Pictures. Knowing Lokesh's ability in scoring big blockbusters with electrifying content , the anticipation about Thalaivar 171 has hit the roof even before it's principal shoot which is expected to begin March next year.
Latest exciting update is that Makkal Selvan Vijay Sethupathi, who is on a roll with multiple projects in his kitty is now reportedly in talks to join Thalaivar 171. According to reports, the film’s director Lokesh Kanagaraj, who has delivered Leo recently, has approached Vijay Sethupathi for a pivotal role in the film. The role is said to be a challenging one, which will showcase Vijay Sethupathi’s acting prowess.
The actor is yet to give his nod for the project, as he is busy with his other commitments. It's worth noting that the versatile star has already worked with Superstar Rajinikanth in Petta. Lokesh too worked with Vijay Sethupathi for Master and Vikram. Thalaivar 171 is expected to be another action-packed entertainer from Lokesh Kanagaraj, who is known for his gripping screenplay and stylish narration.
The film will mark the first collaboration between Rajinikanth and Lokesh Kanagaraj. The film is likely to go on floors soon, after Rajinikanth completes his current project Vettaiyan with TJ Gnanavel. The action scenes in Thalaivar 171 will be choreographed by Anbariv, the duo of Anbu and Arivu. The film also reunites Rajinikanth with Anirudh Ravichander, who composed the music for his previous films