
Naveen Medaram Opens Up On Devil

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Naveen Medaram Turns Emotional

Naveen Medaram Opens Up On Devil
Naveen Medaram Opens Up On Devil

Naveen Medaram opens up on Devil. Since the unveiling of promotional materials for the upcoming period drama film Devil, the conspicuous absence of director Naveen Medaram's name from the credits has stirred intrigue. Instead, producer Abhishek Nama is credited with a 'Produced and directed by' tag as the film approaches its December 29 release date. In response to this controversy, Naveen Medaram has broken his silence, offering a written statement on his personal social media to provide clarification on his involvement in the project.

In detailing his significant contributions to Devil, Naveen highlights, “I have dedicated over three years of unwavering effort to bring Devil to life. From conceptualizing the script to developing the screenplay, meticulously selecting costumes to fabrics, and choosing locations to design sets, every element bears my personal touch, realizing my artistic vision. I shot the entire film for 105 days in various locations, making Devil truly my own creation. To me, it's not just a project; it is my baby, and no matter what is said, it's a film by Naveen Medaram.”


Addressing the erasure of his name from the project, Naveen explains, “While I have consistently maintained composure, my silence seems misconstrued as a mistake by a few. I want to clarify that I have not committed any wrongdoing in the making of this film. The controversy we face today is a result of careless decisions driven by ego and greed. Contrary to recent reports, I have not taken any legal action against any individual or the film.”

Despite the injustice faced, Naveen concludes his statement on an optimistic note, stating, “Although deeply disheartened by the absence of my directing credit, I retain invaluable experience, skill, and confidence. I have always remained focused and persistent throughout my career and am determined to come back even stronger.”

Expressing gratitude to those involved in Devil, Naveen urges the audience to watch the film on December 29 and provides an update on his new project, saying, “Kalyanram sir put his heart and soul into this film. I express sincere gratitude to him and everyone who supported me. I am confident Devil will be a blockbuster; I urge everyone to see it in theaters. I have signed a new film, working on an exciting script, and will announce details soon. Thank you.”