Varun Dhawan suffers injuries during VD18 shoot. Varun Dhawan, last seen in "Bawaal," has teamed up with Atlee for his upcoming project, VD18. Currently immersed in the shoot, Varun frequently shares updates on the film's progress. This collaboration marks Varun's first venture with the director of "Jawan." However, the latest development involves Varun sustaining an injury during the shoot, a not unfamiliar occurrence for the dedicated actor.
Taking to his Instagram stories, Varun Dhawan posted an image of his bandaged leg, accompanied by the caption, "Another day on shoot #vd18." This incident follows a previous update where Varun shared a picture showcasing only the upper half of his body, revealing a red swelling on his elbow. With determination, he captioned the image, "No pain, no gain. VD18."
Speaking about the film, Varun Dhawan expressed, “All I can say is it’s a mass-action entertainer. There is a lot of entertainment in the film, which I love as well. And, I’m just going to give it my all.” According to sources close to the production, Varun will shoot the film's promo in Mumbai, combining it with crucial sequence shoots. The makers are gearing up to officially announce the movie, with the promo set to feature an enticing blend of action and drama, presenting Varun in a never-before-seen avatar.
Joining Varun Dhawan in VD18 are Keerthy Suresh and Jubilee fame Wamiqa Gabbi. The film is scheduled for a theatrical release on May 31, 2024, promising an exhilarating cinematic experience. Penned by accomplished screenwriter Kalees, VD18 is poised to captivate audiences with its compelling narrative.
In addition to VD18, Varun Dhawan is set to grace screens in Citadel’s Indian adaptation, where he will be paired with Samantha Ruth Prabhu. Directed by Raj and DK, the highly anticipated series is in its final stages of production, creating heightened anticipation among fans.