The holiday spirit has begun amid the Bollywood stars who are heading out of the country to kick off the New Year’s in style. On Tuesday morning, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor were spotted heading for a New Year's holiday. Following the annual Christmas celebrations at the Kapoor residence, the couple will be ringing in their holidays abroad.
In a video gone viral, Alia was tenderly cradling Raha who had fallen asleep in her arms. The couple seemed to be in high spirits as they embarked on their getaway. Fans and onlookers were left captivated by the sweet scene. Ranbir stopped for a second to greet the paparazzi as he headed inside the private airport along with Alia.
A day prior, Alia Bhatt joined Ranbir Kapoor and his family for the Christmas lunch. This time around, their 1-year-old daughter Raha was also a part of it. The very same day, they happily introduced their daughter to the paparazzi for the first time. The adorable family moment took place on Monday when Ranbir held his blue-eyed baby girl in his arms, who was dressed in a cute white top and skirt. The couple joyfully posed together, marking a special occasion as they posed with their little one.
On the professional front, Ranbir Kapoor was most recently seen in Animal which has been a huge blockbuster. He will next star in Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana. Meanwhile, Alia Bhatt has begun shooting for the next film Jigra, which she is also co-producing with Dharma Productions. Helmed by Vasan Bala, it will be released next year in September. She also has YRF’s next female-led spy movie in her kitty.