Following the release of solo posters of Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone and Anil Kapoor and the teaser, the makers of Fighter have now introduced yet another character with a brand new poster. Featuring Karan Singh Grover, Deepika Padukone took to social media to introduce his character.
Karan Singh Grover perfectly steps into the character of Squadron Leader Sartaj Gill, known by his call sign 'Taj,' serving as the Squadron Pilot from the esteemed Air Dragons unit. His portrayal enriches the character with a commanding presence exuding both fierceness and charisma. The caption read, “Squadron Leader Sartaj Gill; Call Sign: Taj; Designation: Squadron Pilot; Unit: Air Dragons; Fighter Forever.”
Directed by Siddharth Anand of Pathaan, War fame and presented by Viacom18 Studios in association with Marflix Pictures, Fighter promises an immersive narrative seamlessly intertwining adrenaline-pumping action and fervent patriotism, setting the stage for an unprecedented cinematic experience. Prepare for the epic take-off with Fighter as it gearing up for a theatrical release January 25, 2024.