Varun Tej keen to revive his career. After the lukewarm response to films like 'Gandivadari Arjuna,' Varun Tej is placing his bets on his upcoming project, 'Operation Valentine,' which also marks his Bollywood debut. According to an insider, the decision to postpone the release from December 8 was influenced by the challenging times faced by November and December releases, with audiences exhibiting reluctance to return to theaters. The setback experienced by some big releases during this period may have played a role in this strategic move. The source emphasizes Varun's need to deliver a hit, especially considering the underwhelming performance of films like 'Ghani.' Varun is actively seeking the right release date to make a significant comeback in the industry.
While Varun Tej has recently been in the spotlight due to his engagement with Lavanya Tripathi and their much-discussed destination wedding, the focus now shifts to his professional endeavors. "Having achieved personal milestones by marrying his lady love, Varun is now channeling his focus into his professional life, aiming to make a resounding comeback," notes the source.
The official statement from the makers of 'Operation Valentine' confirms the postponement, stating, "Varun Tej and Manushi Chhillar’s film will have a new release date to provide the audiences with the greatest possible cinematic experience."
Described as a cinematic treat, the film features Varun Tej in the role of an Indian Air Force pilot, with the stunning Manushi Chhillar expected to portray a radar officer. The insider suggests that Varun is banking on this action-adventure to reaffirm his ability to draw crowds, drawing upon the success of his previous hits like 'Fidaa' and 'Gadalakonda Ganesh,' where he showcased versatility in his performances. As Varun endeavors to make a powerful return to the silver screen, the anticipation surrounding 'Operation Valentine' is palpable, with expectations high for a captivating cinematic experience.