RGV stunning post on Animal. Ranbir Kapoor's 'Animal' premiered on December 1, sparking diverse reactions from both critics and fans. Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma shared his thoughts on the film, praising director Sandeep Reddy Vanga and highlighting a memorable scene that defied expectations. However, Varma also expressed reservations about the father-son relationship and a specific scene involving Ranbir's character.
In his review on X, Varma humorously mentioned a surprising moment in the film, describing it as a "pure cinematic gem." Despite his criticisms, he acknowledged 'Animal' as more than just a film, considering it a 'social statement.'
While voicing discontent with certain aspects, particularly the mentioned scene with Ranbir and Tripti Dimri's characters, Varma concluded his review by applauding Ranbir's performance. In a bold comparison, he even suggested that Ranbir's acting prowess surpassed that of Leonardo DiCaprio in 'Wolf of Wall Street.'
'Animal,' directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, globally premiered on December 1, 2023. The movie delves into the underworld's organized crime landscape, exploring themes of loyalty, betrayal, and power struggles. Ranbir Kapoor takes on the lead role as Rannvijay, aspiring to establish himself in the criminal realm, while Bobby Deol portrays a formidable rival unwilling to cede territory.