Hero, Producer Vishal has recently scored a superhit with 'Mark Antony'. During the film's release in Hindi language, Vishal revealed that he faced problems in getting censor Certification in Mumbai CBFC office and he even bribed some officials. Maharashtra Government has assigned CBI enquiry in this case and Vishal attended CBI to answer some questions in this regard.
He has completed his round of CBI enquiry in the CFBC bribe case and shared his insights on it. Taking to X, the actor said he answered a few questions by them and ended up asking a few questions to them as well. One of which was about how a CBI officer looks on duty. “Just finished my visit to CBI office in Mumbai for an enquiry regarding the CBFC case. Was a complete new experience and am glad the way the enquiry is being conducted," he said.
“Took some inputs too about how a CBI office would look like. Lol. Never ever thought in my life I will be going to this Govt office too. Need to step in to stand up against corruption in real life too and not just in reel life," Vishal added.
In September, Vishal claimed a mediator from the CBFC allegedly asked him to pay a bribe worth Rs 6.5 lakh to get the Hindi version of his latest film Mark Anotny released. In his post on X, he stated that he paid Rs 3 lakh for screening and Rs 3.5 lakh to obtain a U/A certificate through a detailed back transaction.