Recently an interesting project is announced with Rashmika Mandanna in lead role in actor Rahul Ravindran's direction. Popular production house, Geetha Arts known for its distinctive storylines and quality production values is backing the project in collaboration with SKN's Mass Movie Makers in association with Dheeraj Mogilineni Entertainment banner.
While National crush Rashmika Mandanna in the lead role, talented filmmaker Rahul Ravindran helming the project. Rashmika has delivered compelling performances and is now poised to deliver a path breaking performance in a women-centric film.
The team also revealed a sneak peek, which promises to be a very different cinematic experience for audiences of all ages. The title of the film is 'The Girlfriend'. The film launched with a grand pooja ceremony today on the occasion of Karthika Pournami. The film's principal photography will commence soon.
Krishnan Vasant handles the camera while musical sensation Hesham Abdul Wahab will score the music. Ace producer Allu Aravind presenting the film while Vidya Koppineedi, SKN and Dheeraj Mogilineni bankrolling the film.