Kalyan Krishna Kurasala has made his directorial debut with King Akkineni Nagarjuna starrer, 'Soggade Chinni Nayana'. The film which was released with average buzz went on becoming a huge blockbuster. The rural family revenge drama laved with husband - wife relations, ghost element worked big time. Kalyan Krishna showed maturity as a filmmaker while handling sensible aspects in the film. He made a promising debut with 'Soggade Chinni Nayana' in 2016.
The following year, Nagarjun who was also produced his first film bankrolled Kalyan Krishna's second film too. This time Naga Chaitanya played the lead role along with Rakul Preet as heroine. The film, 'Ra Randoi Veduka Chuddam' made as a love and family drama became superhit at the boxoffice. Once again Kalyan Krishna has showed his strength in handling rural family dramas laced with love elements.
Kalyan Krishna has moved to a different genre for his third film. A mass revenge action film with Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja in lead role titled 'Nela Ticket'. Though the film has potential to turn out to be a commercial potboiler, it turned out to become a damp squib due to it poor narration and treatment. This is the first failure for Kalyan Krishna.
After a while, he came up with 'Bangarraju', a sequel to 'Soggade Chinni Nayana'. This Naga Chaitanya and Kriti Shetty starrer turned out to be a boxoffice hit for its rural drama and love story with family elements. Nagarjuna also played a key role in the film and also produced it.
CineJosh wishes Talented director Kalyan Krishna a very Happy Birthday and a great success with upcoming projects.