Amitabh Bachchan praises Kadak Singh trailer. The eagerly anticipated trailer of the Pankaj Tripathi-starrer "Kadak Singh" was unveiled at the opening ceremony of the prestigious 54th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa. Attended by government officials, dignitaries, top stars from across India, and movie enthusiasts worldwide, the trailer received an enthusiastic response at one of Asia's most esteemed and prestigious film festivals, further enhancing the film's credibility.
Adding to the excitement, "Kadak Singh" is set to make its World Premiere at IFFI, Goa, under the 'Gala Premieres' category. The high-profile event will be graced by the entire cast and crew, generating much anticipation and excitement. The movie is scheduled to premiere on ZEE5 on December 8, 2023.
Directed by the National Award-winning director Aniruddha Roy Chowdhary, "Kadak Singh" boasts a stellar cast, including national award-winning actors Pankaj Tripathi, Parvathy Thiruvothu, Bangladeshi actor Jaya Ahsan, and Sanjana Sanghi in the lead role. Dilip Shankar, Paresh Pahuja, and Varun Buddhadev play prominent supporting roles. Produced by Wiz Films (Andre Timmins, Viraf Sarkari & Sabbas Joseph), HT Content Studio (Mahesh Ramanathan), KVN, and co-produced by Shyam Sunder and Indrani Mukherjee, the film is a collaboration between Wiz Films and KVN Production in association with Opus Communications.
"Kadak Singh" unravels the life of AK Shrivastav, aka Kadak Singh, a Joint Director at the Department of Financial Crimes, currently grappling with retrograde amnesia. The narrative unfolds as AK is admitted to the hospital, encountering conflicting narratives about his past, compelling him to distinguish fact from fiction. Amidst the labyrinth of half-baked memories, he is determined to uncover the truth behind his mysterious hospitalization and involvement in a significant financial crime while safeguarding his family from falling apart. The film also delves into the dynamics of a dysfunctional family, exploring how unforeseen events bring them closer in a rollercoaster of emotions.
Highlighting relationships in diverse forms, "Kadak Singh" explores how these relationships offer varied perspectives, propelling the narrative forward. Bollywood icon Amitabh Bachchan shared the trailer on Instagram and X, extending his wishes to director Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury, calling the film "interesting." In response, Pankaj Tripathi expressed his gratitude in the comments section, writing, "Saadar pranaam sir aapko ruchikar laga (Regards sir, you found it interesting)." The exchange added another layer of excitement to the film's already buzzing anticipation.