Manoj Bajpayee Joram releasing on this date. Manoj Bajpayee, who gained widespread recognition for his role in the "Family Man" web series, is now piquing the interest of movie enthusiasts with his upcoming film, "Joram."
The survival thriller drama "Joram," featuring Manoj Bajpayee, is set to hit the screens on December 8, as announced by the film's makers. Written and directed by Devashish Makhija, the movie is making its way to theaters after an extensive run at various prestigious film festivals, including the Busan International Film Festival, the International Film Festival Rotterdam, and most recently, the Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival.
In "Joram," Manoj Bajpayee takes on the role of a father who must embark on a journey across half the country to protect his baby daughter from the haunting specters of his past and the relentless forces determined to end his life at any cost.The film also boasts a talented ensemble cast, including Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub, Rajshri Deshpande, Tannishtha Chatterjee, and Smita Tambe.
A collaborative effort between Zee Studios and Makhijafilm, "Joram" is produced by Shariq Patel, Ashima Avasthi Chaudhuri, Anupama Bose, and Devashish Makhija himself. Manoj Bajpayee's previous appearance was in "Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai," and he also has the film "Despatch" in his upcoming projects.