South Star Samantha Ruth Prabhu has returned from her hiatus and jumped back into action. She has been frequently spotted in Mumbai for work commitments. Recently, Shakuntalam's Samantha Ruth Prabhu shared a video of a cryotherapy session on Instagram. Last year, Sam was diagnosed with myositis, an autoimmune disease, but she is focusing on her health and undergoing treatment.
For the unversed, cryotherapy is a process that involves exposing the body to cold temperatures for a period of time. Samantha captioned the video "Recovery" and explained how cryotherapy can help a person by increasing immunity power, improving blood circulation, and triggering hormones.The actress also revealed her current obsession with the song, Baby Queen's Buzzkill. She captioned it, "Obsessed with this song" with a smile emoji.
On the professional front, Samantha was last seen in Kushi which stars Vijay Deverakonda in the lead role. Currently, she is on break and enjoying her free time.