Japan finishes censor formalities. Karthi is all set to grace the screen in the upcoming action-packed drama titled "Japan," directed by the talented Raju Murugan. The film stars Anu Emmanuel as the female lead and is eagerly anticipated, with a grand release scheduled for November 10, 2023.
This exciting film has successfully passed the rigorous censorship process, and recent updates reveal that it boasts a reasonable runtime of 156 minutes, despite encountering 13 objections from the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC). It has secured a U/A certificate from the censor board, promising a captivating cinematic experience.
In addition to the dynamic duo of Karthi and Anu Emmanuel, "Japan" features a stellar ensemble cast, including the likes of Sunil, Vijay Milton, KS Ravikumar, Sanal Aman, Vagai Chandrasekar, and more, all contributing to this Dream Warrior Pictures production.
The musical score for the film is expertly composed by GV Prakash Kumar, while the cinematography and editing duties are masterfully handled by Ravi Varman and Philomin Raj, respectively. This promises to be a cinematic spectacle that fans won't want to miss.