Shah Rukh B-Day bash at NMACC. The 'Badshah' of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan, is on the cusp of celebrating his 58th birthday on November 2, and the festivities are shaping up to be nothing short of grandeur. After delivering two blockbusters in 2023, the actor is preparing for a lavish birthday celebration, with a star-studded guest list. Enthusiastic fans from all around the globe are journeying to Mumbai to extend their greetings at his iconic residence, Mannat. Amidst the fervor, this year, SRK is rumored to be hosting a colossal birthday bash.
Shah Rukh Khan, riding high on the success of his recent hit, 'Jawan,' has garnered immense love and acclaim from his fans. They are eagerly anticipating celebrating his 58th birthday in a grand manner. His fan clubs are leaving no stone unturned to make it a memorable day, planning a multitude of activities. However, exclusively, we've learned that King Khan will be hosting a lavish birthday bash for his industry comrades. The guest list boasts names like Deepika Padukone, Karan Johar, Atlee, Nayanthara, and Rajkumar Hirani, among others.
The grand celebration is meticulously organized by his manager, Pooja Dadlani, and invitations have already been dispatched to his close friends. According to a source, there is no specific dress code, and invitees have been informed not to bring any gifts. The insider revealed that the grand birthday bash is scheduled to take place at Jio NMACC at Bandra Kurla Complex in Mumbai.
Shah Rukh Khan's 58th birthday is a much-anticipated event, and his biggest fan club, SRK Universe, is gearing up to transform it into a joyous festival. The fan club has been proactive in organizing philanthropic activities, including a health checkup campaign for school children in tribal villages, a food distribution drive on October 30, and a special screening of 'DDLJ' at Maratha Mandir on November 1. Moreover, they plan to distribute rations to slums and underprivileged households in the afternoon. The fan club has also arranged a grand party at Raasta on the eve of SRK's birthday, November 2. Additionally, they intend to gather outside the actor's residence in Bandra on both November 1 and 2, showering him with love and admiration.