Kangana seeks the blessings of Ram Lalla. Kangana Ranaut embarked on a spiritual journey to the sacred birthplace of Lord Ram in Ayodhya, seeking blessings from the revered deity affectionately known as Ram Lalla. Her visit to the temple coincided with the much-anticipated release of her upcoming film, 'Tejas.'
At the temple, Kangana was bestowed with a traditional red scarf by the temple priest, symbolizing the blessings she sought from Ram Lalla. Graciously acknowledging the role of the temple in her film, she expressed, 'The temple also plays an important role in our film 'Tejas,' which is centered around the Indian Air Force. This visit is a way to seek divine blessings before its release.'
The actor documented her visit with heartfelt images on her Instagram page, sharing moments of prayer, blessings, and serene walks within the temple premises.
Kangana Ranaut also addressed the media in Ayodhya, drawing a powerful analogy, "What the Vatican City is to Christians, the Ram Temple of Ayodhya will become the biggest place of holy pilgrimage for Hindus. We will see it become such a grand temple, something that the Hindus have wished for since centuries. It will become a grand symbol of our country and a beautiful link to Sanatan culture in the world."
Posting these images on social media, she expressed her reverence, saying, 'Come, my dear Ram! I am a devotee of Lord Vishnu and am blessed to have been able to visit the birthplace of the divine, great warrior, saint ruler, the best of gentlemen Shri Ram. The birthplace of Ram holds a special space in my upcoming film 'Tejas,' so I felt compelled to visit this place. I am truly blessed. My dear Ram!'
Previously, Kangana made headlines in the national capital when she made history by becoming the first woman to set fire to Raavan's effigy at Delhi's renowned Lav Kush Ramlila held at the historic Red Fort.
'Tejas,' written and directed by Sarvesh Mewara, showcases Kangana Ranaut in the role of an Air Force pilot. The film also stars Anshul Chauhan and Veenah Nair.