Director Prasanth Varma who is known unique plots lik Awe, Kalki, Zombie Reddy is all set for his maiden Pan India film Hanu-man which is the first film from his Cinematic Universe featuring Teja Sajja is getting ready to give a whole new experience to the audience in theatres for the Sankranthi. Presently, the post-production works are underway. The team is taking time for post-production, as the movie will have some high-end VFX.
Meanwhile, the team released a brand-new poster extending Happy Dussehra wishes to everyone. Exhibiting his valor, the protagonist is seen twirling his mustache. The glass of his shades sees the image of the antagonist played by Vinay Rai who is seen standing behind the massive Ravana effigy. The character is presented as Ravanasura with the evil drones shown as the other 9 heads.
Hanu-man is essentially set-up in an imaginary place called “Anjanadri”. Since the concept of the film is universal, it has the potential to do well across the globe. The teaser created huge buzz accross the nation and with such kind of response makers decided to take the film to next level and hence increased the span of the film.
Amritha Aiyer is the leading lady opposite Teja Sajja in the movie, where Vinay Rai will be seen as the antagonist and Varalaxmi Sarathkumar in a key role. Hanu-man will have a Pan World release in several Indian languages including Telugu, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, English, Spanish, Korean, Chinese and Japanese on January 12, 2024.