Mahesh Babu new friend hogging the limelight. Mahesh Babu is currently busy with Guntur Kaaram which is progressing at a brisk pace under the direction of Trivikram Srinivas. Apart from it Mahesh is also teaming with star director Rajamouli. Mahesh is known as an emotional person and gets attached to people and animals quite easily.
Mahesh Babu left an indelible mark on the hearts of his fans and followers in August of this year when he took to Instagram to share a deeply emotional moment. In a heartfelt post, he shared a poignant photograph from happier days, portraying himself alongside his dearly departed pet dog, Pluto, who had recently crossed the rainbow bridge.
The image captured a time when Pluto was vibrant and full of life, evoking a sense of nostalgia and treasured memories. In his tribute, Mahesh conveyed his affection with three red heart emojis, a touching homage to his loyal companion of seven remarkable years.
Yet, amid the sorrow of losing Pluto, Mahesh Babu appears to have discovered solace and joy in the company of a new furry friend. Recent images on his social media platforms showcase him in a brown shirt, cradling a charming Danish-Swedish breed dog in his arms. This latest addition to his life goes by the name Snoophy, and the pictures radiate the palpable happiness and enthusiasm that this new four-legged family member has brought into Mahesh's life.