Rocking Star Manoj Manchu is making his comeback movie after six years with 'What The Fish'. The film comes with a tagline, Manam Manam Barampuram. The film is mounted on a large scale with high production values. The first look glimpse which was released few months ago promised a wacky ride. The film is said to have crazy characters and it's caption, When The Crazy Becomes Crazier confirms the same.
Manoj is donning different get ups in the film. What The Fish is a wacky movie with a novel concept. Today, makers unveiled crazy first look of Vennela Kishore from the film. He is seen holding a chainsaw with currency notes flying in the background. His look surely rises the curiosity about the film.
The shooting of this cinematic adventure toom place in Toronto and various locations across Canada. Talented Telugu actors and world-renowned cast and crew worked for this film. This movie is being planned to release all over the world.
Debutant Varun Korukonda has penned the story, and screenplay, besides helming the project. Vishal Bezawada and Surya Bezawada of 6ix Cinemas are producing the movie. Shakthikanth Karthick is providing the music.